Domestic Presence

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Moraceae has set up alliances in various part of India.

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Our alliance venture market an extensive range of dosage forms like tablets, capsules, syrups & ointment covering wide prophylactic and therapeutic groups. These venture are always consistent in keeping international standards infrastructure and quality assurance.

We have our distribution covering two third of the country. At MORACEAE, we have a tradition of conquering uncharted territory. Again and again, we have defined ourselves by taking on challenges that no one else was able to tackle and our spirit of enterprise has led to amazing achievements. Though we are focused and dedicated towards our loyal customers and they are thus benefited with major business links and discounts.

Adding to the international character and class of the company, our name and products are finding increasing recognition and acceptance in the market. We expand our business in Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, West Bengal, North East States, Assam, Rajasthan, Chattisgarh, Uttarakhand, Madhya Pradesh, Orrisa and planning for launching our business in rest of the states to cover all over India.

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Each stockist has a large number of retailers/chemist in his city area, interiors and micro interiors. Stockist generally covers the whole district or part of it, depending upon the size of the district, up to the micro interior location to cater the demand of products through his own team of salesmen. We have developed the system for maintaining records of retailers, have adopted the procedure for inclination of retailers towards our company by way of launching sales promotion schemes for them from time to time and by providing personalized services to them on preferential basis rolex replicas. It is the retailers who are in direct touch of actual buyers/customers. They sell the company’s products on Doctor’s prescription and Chemist/Retailers are our loyal last and dedicated chain partners who care our customers.

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_custom_heading text=”Chain of Retailers/Chemist” font_container=”tag:h3|text_align:center|color:%23d6241b” use_theme_fonts=”yes”][vc_column_text]

Each stockist has a large number of retailers/chemist in his city area, interiors and micro interiors. Stockist generally covers the whole district or part of it, depending upon the size of the district, up to the micro interior location to cater the demand of products through his own team of salesmen. We have developed the system for maintaining records of retailers, have adopted the procedure for inclination of retailers towards our company by way of launching sales promotion schemes for them from time to time and by providing personalized services to them on preferential basis. It is the retailers who are in direct touch of actual buyers/customers. They sell the company’s products on Doctor’s prescription and Chemist/Retailers are our loyal last and dedicated chain partners who care our customers.

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We are enjoying the heavy patronage of doctors fully convinced with high quality and standard of our products, which are also well accepted in the market due to high efficacy.

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In ethical Pharma marketing, the customers are generally generated through prescription to the patients by a medical practitioner /doctor. Our team of medical representatives, area sales managers, regional sales managers, zonal managers and National sales manager, all are well trained and educated to call and convince the doctors for prescribing our products to the patients.
